CRIPP (International Reference Framework for Professional Practices)
The CRIPP published on January 1, 2009 and updated in 2013 is the conceptual framework,which groups all the mandatory and highly recommended provisions, enacted by The IIA Global. This frame of reference is also an essential component of CBOK which constitutes the common body of knowledge prescribed by The IIA to guide internal auditors in the exercise of their function and to inform them about the evolution of the profession and its practices on internationally.
The CRIPP is constantly updated through a dynamic review process by providing new details through highly recommended publications that supplement and specify the standards, or if necessary, an adjustment or modification of the standards at least every three years.
The CRIPP includes the definition of internal audit, The code of ethics, Professional standards of internal audit as well as the position papers, practical methods of application and practical guides.
Click here to access / download the CRIPP
The mission of internal audit describes the main objective and constitutes the keystone of internal audit. The mission of internal audit is to increase and preserve the value of the organization by objectively providing assurance, advice and views based on a risk-based approach.
The achievement of this mission is based on the implementation of the components of the CRIPP.
The components of CRIPP fall into two categories :
The Mandatory Provisions are
– Fundamental principles for the professional practice of internal auditing
– Definition of internal audit
– International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards)
Compliance with these provisions is necessary and essential for a professional practice of internal auditing. They are developed according to a due diligence process that includes a public consultation to take into account the opinions of stakeholders.
The Recommended Provisions are good practices for implementing the guidelines. (They are only accessible to members).
The recommended provisions of the CRIPP are:
- Implementation guidelines
- additional guidelines
Adopted by The IIA Global through a formal approval process, the Recommended Provisions present best practices for effective implementation of the Definition, Core Principles, Code of Ethics and Standards
Why is CRIPP Compliance so important?
Compliance with the CRIPP strengthens the capacity of internal audit to provide its services, which helps the organization to improve its governance, manage risks and implement controls to more effectively achieve its objectives. Internal auditors, audit committees, management, the Board, shareholders and regulators are beneficiaries.
Internal audit should operate with the highest level of ethical and professional competence in order to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the assurance it provides.
Every internal audit professional and internal audit function should follow and adhere to the IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (CRIPP).
Internal audit should operate under a charter that adopts CRIPP, and stakeholders should neither expect nor agree to anything less.
Stakeholders should require internal audit to maintain a quality assurance and improvement program and request periodic and external reviews of this program.
Stakeholders should understand the internal audit situation in the organization and demand the highest level of professional and ethical performance.
Compliance, for whom and why?
Each internal audit professional and any internal audit function must comply with the mandatory components of the CRIPP. As a principle-based set of requirements for the practice and assessment of internal auditing applicable internationally, the Standards are essential to the success of its engagements.
Compliance is mandatory for:
- members of the IIA;
- certified internal auditors (holders of the CIA – certified internal auditor);
- professionals working in countries that require compliance with The IIA Standards.
Read the IIA’s Viewpoint here.
Complying with the CRIPP is essential to provide true assurance
Find the CRIPP provisions in the Publications section.